Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp.)

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Blue Phantom Pleco

Hemiancistrus sp.

76 Litres (20 US G.)

18-17.8cm (7.1-7 ")




6.0 - 7.0

22 -25 °C (71.6-77°F)

6-16 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Other (See article)

5-8 years



Additional names

Blue Phantom Pleco, L128

Tank compatibility

Can be aggressive and territorial to other Plecos, should be the only Pleco in the tank. Peaceful towards other tank mates.


They are vegetarians as most plecos and they benefit from fresh soft vegetables such as squash, zucchini, and cucumber. They will occasionally accept algae wafers but usually they tend not to notice them. Blue Phantom's eat algae off the glass so as unattractive as algae can be, it is somewhat needed. They also require bogwood as they use it as a major food source and to help internally. As the fish are easily frightened they are nocturnal feeders so most aquarists do not see them frequently.

Feeding regime

A Blue Phantom Plec. should be fed at least every two days depending on how much algae is in your tank; if little algae then more often, if a lot of algae then maybe every 3-4 days. They also need bogwood, it is a must they scrape of bacteria a the wood as a source of food and to help digestion. You'll notice little indents and scrap marks on your wood with these fish.

Environment specifics

As with many plecos and South American fish they like softer water. they can have a somewhat wide variety of specifics. They do like to have a hiding place as they are skittish, bogwood and rock caves are acceptable. Plant cover is not necessary but it makes for better water quality. A little salt can also make the water better for them, they like a shadier environment so floating plants would help to diffuse the light.


Similar to Hemiancistrus subviridis, and indeed may be a colour morph of this species. This fish has an inky black body, that looks blue in certain lights, with many small cream-yellow spots. They may also have a light off-white or light blue line at the end of the caudal fin and dorsal fins. A good specimen will have many bold spots, be a brighter blue hue and have large prominent fins.


External links